SEL in Action in Belmont. Skill Development and Practice
Elementary Level
All four of the elementary schools follow CASEL’s Five Interrelated SEL Competencies. The “what” or the standards that are set for each grade level under these competencies are part of the skills that are taught, the “how”, the way in which it is taught is through the social competency programs at each school. Each of the schools have a distinct culture which has been created over time by the parents, teachers and students-all important stakeholders in the school. Through their own identities each school has adopted a social competency program right for their school culture. At Wellington, Winn Brook and Butler “Second Step” is utilized in the delivery of the CASEL standards. At Burbank, “Open Circle” is utilized as program to also deliver and implement the CASEL standards. Over the past few years much of the calibration that has occurred has been through work within the district which includes PLT’s, SEL committees both at the building and district level. In working with SEL experts we have implemented the core competencies through professional development, and have sought to gain insight and information from parents, staff and students on how best to improve in all of the competencies, and we continue that work.
Social Competencies at the Elementary Level
Second Step is an interactive SEL curriculum through which students learn and practice vital social skills, such as cooperation, problem-solving, empathy, emotion management, impulse control. Second Step teaching kits include photo-lesson cards, key discussion questions, student role-plays, and video clips.
Open Circle provides a unique, evidence-based social and emotional learning program for grades K-5 aimed at: 1) proactively developing children’s skills for recognizing and managing emotions, empathy, positive relationships and problem solving, and 2) helping schools develop a community where students feel safe, cared for and engaged in learning. Classroom teachers implement the grade-differentiated Open Circle Curriculum during 15-minute classroom meetings twice per week. Students form a circle of chairs, including an empty seat to symbolize that there is always room for another person, voice or opinion.
School-wide Practices and Routines
In addition to classroom implementation, the success of both the Second Step and Open Circle depend on school-wide practices. Research shows that it’s important for students to see and hear consistent messages from all the adults they encounter at school, and beyond the school day. The five core competencies as outlined by CASEL are not only part of these two programs, but outline and guide our work throughout the school, through growth mindset, mindfulness, and infusion of the competencies into the curriculum, often through literature.
Secondary Level
At the secondary level, we continue to support students’ learning and development of CASEL’s Five Interrelated SEL Competencies through direct instruction, classroom practices, infusion into the content, and school wide practices. Direct instruction on specific skills takes place primarily in health and wellness classes, although it is also included in other classes, such as when teaching students the skills necessary for effective collaboration.
There are many classroom practices that support students’ development and practice of the social and emotional skills necessary for success in school and life. These include spending time getting to know students and to form a welcoming classroom community at the beginning of the year. Having regular, predictable classroom routines contributes to a safe learning environment, and allowing for student involvement in class decision-making increases their engagement and motivation for learning. Helping students learn to self-manage and self-motivate is supported by setting goals, reflecting, and self-assessing. These are just a few examples of the ways in which social and emotional learning is the foundation for the learning of academic skills and content at the secondary level.
Family Resources
"How to Talk So Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk" by Adele Faber
"Siblings without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live too" by Adele Faber
"The Price of Privilege" by Madeline Levine
"Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, gossip, Boyfriends and Other Realities of Adolescence" by Rosalind Wiseman
"Raising Cain" by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson
"Mindset" by Carol Dweck