The Department of Student Services encompasses Guidance, Nursing, and Special Education Services - preschool through high school.

Inquiries regarding services can be directed to individual schools. Initial concerns with student performance should be communicated to teachers. Guidance counselors and administrators are also available to assist.

Health and medical concerns should be addressed to the school nurse. Director of Health and Nursing Department, can be reached at (617) 993-1267.

The Belmont Public Schools offers a range of special education programs in all schools. The systemwide preschool program is located at the Wellington School. Referrals for preschool services should be directed to the Early Childhood Director, at (617) 993-5615.

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are developed for students who have been determined by a Team evaluation to have a disability, and as a consequence are unable to progress effectively in the general education program without specially designed instruction, or are unable to access the general curriculum without a related service.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Amended Act

The Belmont Public School District will ensure that no student with a disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Amended Act (ADAA) within the District’s jurisdiction will be denied, because of his/her disability, participation in curricular, intramural, or interscholastic activities or any of the services offered or rendered regularly to the students of this District.

No otherwise qualified person shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored by the Belmont Public School District. The District is committed to ensure that students with Section 504 disabilities be identified, evaluated, and provided with a free appropriate public education. The District does not discriminate on the basis of disability with regard to admission, access to education services, treatment or employment in its programs and activities.

Student Related Section 504 Information:

-504 Procedural Guidelines

-504 Notice of Parental and Student Rights

-504 District and School Based Coordinator Contact List

- Uniform Complaint Procedures for Harassment or Discrimination Claims

Belmont SEPAC (Belmont Special Education Parent Advisory Council)

Belmont SEPAC is a parent advisory council as mandated by Massachusetts state law (Chapter 71B). We are dedicated family members of children with disabilities, who educate each other, who collaborate with school professionals and who exchange ideas and information. We welcome participation from all interested community members.

More about the program can be found here

LABBB Collaborative

As a member of the LABBB Collaborative, the Belmont Public Schools provide space and support for programs at the Butler Elementary School, Wellington Elementary School, Chenery Upper Elementary School, and Belmont High School.

The LABBB (Lexington, Arlington, Burlington, Bedford and Belmont) Collaborative provides a variety of comprehensive specialized programs to serve students with special needs in public school settings. The collaborative, founded in 1974, is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of superintendents from the LABBB communities. Belmont hosts LABBB programs at the Butler School, the Wellington School, the Chenery Upper Elementary School, and the High School.

More about the program can be found at LABBB

Contact Us:

Student Services Office:

Phone: 617-993-5440
Fax: 617-993-5449

Ken Kramer, Director of Student Services

Email: Ken Kramer

Maura Piacitelli, Administrative Assistant

Email: Maura Piacitelli

Phone: 617-993-5443

Preschool Office:

Phone: 617-993-5615
Preschool Page
Rebecca Zieminski: Early Childhood Director

Email: Rebecca Zieminski

Health and Nursing Services:
Health and Nursing Page

Mary Elizabeth Rumley, M.Ed.,BS, RN, Director of Health and Nursing Services

Email: Marybeth Rumley

Phone: 617-993-1267

Special Education at Schools:

Ani Markarian, Administrative Assistant

Email: Ani Markarian

Phone: 617-993 - 5920