DEIW Strategic Initiatives

Equity Audit

Over the last several years, Belmont Public Schools has focused on the important themes of Social Emotional Learning, culturally responsive teaching, diversity, inclusion, and equity. In September of 2020 BECA (Belmont Educators of Color and Allies), a subcommittee of the Belmont Education Association (BEA), formally appealed to the School Committee requesting that an comprehensive equity audit be commissioned. The idea was enthusiastically endorsed by the district and School Committee as it is the next step in the work the district had been doing to date.

For more information on the audit goals and process please see: Equity Audit page

District and Community Groups

Many groups and organizations throughout our district, community, and nation are doing important work to advance diversity, equity and inclusion. Below you can find a partial listing of some of the DEIW-related organizations in Belmont. 

Belmont Educators of Color & Allies (BECA)

BECA’s goals are to Educate, Advocate, and Eliminate racism in our schools, union, and society.  The group aims to educate ourselves and others about the history of racism and its impact on our jobs, our schools, and our community. We advocate to create supportive relationships among educators of color and allies to confront inequities.  Finally, we aspire to dismantle racism in all its forms to build a more just community.


The METCO program was established to provide opportunities for children from racially imbalanced schools in Boston and children from isolated suburban schools to learn together in an integrated public school setting. It is our belief that the METCO experience should provide a strong academic foundation, as well as an environment rich in cultural, educational, ethnic and racial diversity.\

Please see Belmont Pulblic Schools METCO for more information. 

District Equity Team - Equity Statement 

As an educational community, we are committed to creating equitable, high quality learning experiences and environments which actively address racial injustice and dismantle racist policies.

We hold ourselves and each other accountable to transform our school and community culture by:

  • Hiring a more diverse staff

  • Decolonizing the curriculum by telling a complete history from multiple perspectives and learning from this colonization and racism and how it impacts students 

  • Providing opportunities for everyone to express pride and confidence and to develop a healthy self-concept without denying the value and dignity of other people

  • Implementing culturally responsive instruction and assessments that allow for anti-biased learning

  • Activating all members of our community to address bigotry and white supremacy and the negative impact on the community

  • Confronting and addressing systemic barriers to equal access

  • Supporting each other with compassion in our individual and collective learning to become anti-racist and culturally responsive educators.

This will create an environment in which all community members are treated fairly, enjoy a sense of belonging, and have equitable access to an anti-racist education and environment. It will also consistently create opportunities and empower all students to engage in the work to become stewards of social justice.

Belmont will deconstruct the curriculum to include mirrors in which all students are reflected and windows through which they see and learn from diverse perspectives and individuals.

We believe these actions are imperative as we strive towards justice and equity for ALL.

Each School in the district has its own equity team; the on-the-ground DEIW work of these teams supports and informs the district-wide team's initiatives.