For New Families

Belmont Public School System

Belmont has an outstanding public school system. Our system consists of seven schools: four elementary schools, kindergarten through grade 3, Burbank School, Butler School, Wellington School, and Winn Brook School; one upper elementary school, the Chenery Upper Elementary School, grades 4 through 6; Belmont Middle School, grades 7 through 8; and Belmont High School, grades 9 through 12. The system enrolls more than 4400 students. You will find additional information on each of the schools, sports and extracurricular activities, parent and community support groups, and other relevant information in this website.

Registration for Belmont Public Schools

Families may register their children online to attend Belmont Public Schools. Students residing in the Town of Belmont with their parents/legal guardians are eligible to attend the Belmont Public Schools when they are age appropriate.

For more information visit: Grades K-12 Registration Information page

Preschool Program

The Belmont Public School Preschool Staff conducts screenings on an ongoing basis throughout the school year for all Belmont children aged 3-5 years of age. Services for students with needs range from related outpatient services to a classroom placement. The Classroom Preschool Program is designed to include special needs students in an integrated model with typically developing students from the community. To qualify for a classroom placement, special needs students must be significantly delayed in more than one area and be unable to make progress in a community preschool. Typically developing students are chosen randomly through a lottery of applicants. 

For further information on the preschool, please visit Belmont Public School Preschool pages.

School PTA/PTO and Advisory Councils

All seven schools in Belmont have active parent-teacher organizations PTO/PTA/PTSO and other parent/community organizations affiliated with our schools and school departments. These groups provide energy and ideas for enriching the social and academic opportunities available to students, staff, and their families. The PTOs sponsor a wide variety of programs and events at each school, including the Kindergarten Extended Day programs, the After School programs, and Arts and Enrichment programs to supplement the curriculum at all grade levels. Each school also has a School Advisory Council comprised of the school principal, teachers, parents, and community representatives. The role of the Council is to assist the principal in identifying the educational needs of students, adopting educational goals for the school, reviewing the annual budget, and developing the annual School Improvement Plan. These plans guide the school administration, staff, volunteers, and parent community in working toward achieving a set of mutually-agreed upon goals. The Belmont Special Education Advisory Council welcomes parents with similar interests. In addition, parents are involved in the review of curriculum and are often asked to serve on a curriculum steering committee.

For more information visit the Parent Teacher Organizations and Advisory Councils page.

Summer Enrichment Program

The Belmont Public Schools offer a summer enrichment program for preschoolers through grade six. Program topics include arts and crafts, theatre, computers, and sports. Courses are usually held at the Chenery Upper Elementary School and run for two to four weeks during July. 

More information about Summer program is available here.


The METCO (Metropolitan Council for Education Opportunities) program, a voluntary integration program founded in 1966, provides a suburban public school education for African-American, Hispanic, and Asian students from Boston. Belmont typically hosts 125 students as part of the METCO program. This program fosters a broader educational and social experience for both suburban and urban children and their families.

For more information about the program visit METCO page.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many volunteer opportunities in the schools: working in the library media center; sharing travel experiences or speaking about one’s career.  Parents who are interested and available should let their principal know.

For more information about volunteer requirements please visit the Volunteering webpage.

School Committee

The School Committee is the policy setting entity for all schools in the Belmont district. It also appoints the superintendent, approves the budgets, and negotiates with school unions. You can learn more at the School Committee pages where you can find the members, goals and accomplishments, policies and minutes among other items. 

Belmont Recreation Programs

The Belmont Recreation Department offers the opportunity for youth to participate in instructional programming as well as on intramural and inter-town sports teams; these include programs in swimming, skating, ice hockey, baseball, and softball. Soccer is also very popular at all grade levels and is organized through a regional association. 

For more information visit the Recreation Department web site.

Student Health Insurance

Student health insurance may be purchased through an independent agent. Parent/guardians interested in the student insurance option may visit  Lefebvre Student Health Insurance Company website.

Any questions regarding the plan, policy, claims, or associated fees may be directed to the following:

Lefebvre Insurance, LLC
901 Pleasant Street #1413
Attleboro, MA 02703
(800) 451-9668