English Language Education

Information for Families New to the U.S.A. or to Belmont

This page is to help families who are new to the United States understand the Belmont school system, English Language Education services in the schools, and how to support your student's learning.

Belmont Public Schools webpages and newsletters can be translated. Choose your language from the menu at top right. You also should be able to read our webpages and newsletters in the language you've chosen for your device. If you need more language assistance, please contact Lindsey Rinder at lrinder@belmontschools.net.

Contact Us:

Lindsey Rinder, Director of English Language Education

Email: Lindsey Rinder

Phone: 617 993-1044

ELE Office: Elementary Curriculum Center, Winn Brook Elementary School

What is English Language Education?

Belmont is an international and diverse community. About 30% of our students speak at least two languages in the home.  10% of our students are still working on gaining full academic proficiency in the English language. Those students, English Learners [ELs], receive specialized instruction in the English language during the school day. In the Belmont Public Schools, ELLs take most of their classes within the regular classroom or program of studies—they are not separated from non-ELL students. In addition to those regular classes, ELL students also take a separate English language development class with an ELL teacher. In that class, they learn to use and understand complex, academic English in all four language domains: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They will learn new vocabulary, build more complicated sentences, and read and write sophisticated text in English. These classes take place during the regular school day, though students in grades 5-12 may choose to stay after school for additional English tutoring twice a week. Summer English programming is also offered for beginner ELLS in grades K-12.

In grades 5-12, we also offer a sheltered language arts class for students at beginning levels of English; at the high school, we have a sheltered American history class that gives a broad introduction for beginner ELLs new to the United States. Finally, in grades 6-12, we offer an Advanced Writing class for ELLs who have native-like spoken English but still need more assistance with academic writing. These classes are taught by our ELL teachers as well. The goal of all our programming is to provide early, intensive support to English language learners so that they reach grade-level proficiency in English as quickly as possible. For most students, this will happen within three years even if they speak no English at all when entering our schools. Many students exit the program even sooner.


The ELE Department has developed a few programs to help our students connect with us and each other during the school year.

Programs for Students Grades 4-12

Does your 4th-12th grader want more opportunities to practice speaking in English with other students?  Does your student need help completing homework?  Would your student like to spend more time with friends at school? The Homework Club is here!  This is a space for English Learners to practice English, build friendships, and get help on work for any class, led by teachers in our classrooms.

Chenery Homework Club

Time: Wednesdays, 1:20-2:20
Teacher: Email Norma Mahmoud

BMS Homework Club

Time: Thursdays, 2:30-3:30
Teacher: Email Ru Chen

BHS Homework Club

Time: Mondays, 2:30-3:30
Teacher: Email Antonio Ferreira

Programs for Parents and Families


Interested in learning more English?  We will offer both beginner and advanced Parent English classes on Google Meet, taught by our own ELE teachers.  Email the teacher if you would like to join. Please choose the class that matches your English level.  The teacher may ask you to attend a different class if the level is not right.

Beginner English Class

Time: Thursdays 1:00 pm

Teacher: Email Marella Averill

Advanced English Group

Time: Tuesdays, 6:00 pm
Teacher: Email Anna Kronewitter


Our English Learner Parent Advisory Council meets virtually at the beginning of each month on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00.  Meetings are facilitated by English Language Education Director Lindsey Rinder, and guided by the input of the ELPAC board members.  The ELPAC seeks to promote multilingual and multicultural values for all students and to aid in the integration process of new English language learners into the Belmont community.  In addition, the ELPAC advises the school district on how to best educate English Learners in Belmont. Please see here for more information about the ELPAC, or email Lindsey Rinder.

ELE Parent Guides

Below are guides to language and learning in the Belmont Public Schools. They are designed for parents who are new to public school in the United States. They also have specific information about supporting early literacy and numeracy in grades K-3. Our thanks again go out to the Belmont parent-educators who wrote and translated these guides for their own language communities! We are so grateful for the amazing resources and abilities of all our parents.

Information about Schooling in Belmont


Public education in the United States is free for all children from kindergarten to 12th grade. It is mandatory starting in first grade. The age a child can start kindergarten is different from state to state. In Massachusetts, a child usually must be 5 years old by September 1st. Each child attends a school in the city where s/he lives, and each neighborhood is designated a certain school. Parents generally cannot choose a school outside of that city, or choose a different school in that city. If parents want more choices, they may choose to send their child to a private school, which is not free and may not be in their city. Schools start in September (after Labor Day) on the East Coast.


Elementary School: Kindergarten through 6th grade. In grades K-4, students have one classroom teacher for all core subjects. In 5th and 6th grade, students start to have more than one teacher for core subjects.  At the beginning of EACH school year (in September), students are mixed into the new grade with new students and a new teacher.  They do not keep the same class each year.

Belmont Early Elementary Schools, grades K-3

  • Winn Brook 

  • Burbank 

  • Wellington (includes pre-K for the town) 

  • Butler 

Belmont Upper Elementary School, grades 4-6

  • Chenery

Middle School : 7th through 8th grade. Belmont Middle School shares a building with Belmont High School, but it is a separate school with a separate principal. Students change teachers and rooms for each subject.

High School: 9th through 12th grade. Belmont High School, located in the same building as Belmont Middle School. Students have a different teacher for each subject and expanded opportunities for electives and advanced courses.


Elementary students get report cards in January and June. These are standards-based report cards. They will say if a student has Met, Progressed, Begun, or Not Yet met each specific standard.

Older children receive report cards four times a year, as well as progress reports in between. Their grades are on the letter scale.

American Grade Scale (for students grades 5-12)


As mean that students have demonstrated excellent understanding and skill in this content area.


Bs mean that students have demonstrated good understanding and skill in this content area.


Cs mean that students have demonstrated some understanding and skill in the content area.


Ds mean that students have demonstrated weak understanding and skill in this area.


Fs are failing grades. At the high school level, students must receive at least a D for the year to earn credit for the course.


Labor Day – September
Indigenous People's Day – October
Veterans’ Day – November
Thanksgiving Vacation – November
Winter Vacation – December
Martin Luther King Day – January
February Vacation – February
April Vacation – April
Memorial Day - May

Please check the district calendar for specific dates.

Early Release Days

Each Wednesday dismissal is earlier than other days of the week, but certain Wednesdays are early release days, or half days.  This means dismissal is before lunch. These days are sometimes the same for all Belmont schools, but some early release days are only for certain grade levels.  Please check the district calendar for specific school hours and early release days.


  • When do I meet the teacher? Curriculum Night is generally held in the 2nd or 3rd week of school. It is not a time to meet with the teacher and talk about your child, but you will meet all the teachers in the grade and learn about that grade’s curriculum. You also meet parents who are in the same class.

  • Is it OK to request a meeting with the teacher? Yes! There are parent-teacher conferences twice a year through 8th grade, in October and March, and every fall in high school, but parents can arrange a meeting with the teacher any time. You can also email the teacher any time. If you want to communicate with the teacher in another language, ask the teacher to use Talking Points. You can download the Talking Points app for your phone here.

  • What does the school expect of a parent? American schools encourage parents to take an active part in their child’s learning. 

    • Sending children on time to school and prepared for school (having homework, books, etc).

    • Reading with your child every day, or expecting them to read on their own, in English or in your language.

    • Monitoring the completion of homework--but not helping your child do the homework.

  • What can I do to help at the school? Join or help the PTA, the Parent Teacher Association! Parents are not required to help in the school, but the school can always use volunteers! Every American school has a group of parents who volunteer their time to help out with school activities and to raise money for the school. The PTA is responsible for Library Night, Game Night, Movie Night, Color Day, field trips, and much more. You can also volunteer to help in the library during your child’s library time, in grades K-3. The library is always in need of help and your child will be excited to see you!


  • American schools often lock their doors so that no strangers can enter the building.  If you would like to enter the building, please ring the bell at the front door and announce yourself and you will be let in.

  • American schools require all visitors, even parents, to check in at the office Parents should not walk their child to the classroom or enter the school without first going to the office.  This keeps all the children at school safe and all teachers aware of who is in the school.

  • Daylight Savings Time!  Twice a year, America changes its clock.  In November, we move our clocks backward in the middle of the night.  In March, we move our clocks forward.  We say “Fall back, Spring forward.”  This can surprise a family from a country where the clocks are not changed and result in being late or early to school.

  • It is acceptable to talk with your child’s teacher(s) if you have any concerns or questions.  There are conferences (meetings) every year when parents sign up for a time to sit down with the teacher and discuss your child’s education.  If you would like a meeting at a different time, please ask the teacher and he or she will happily create one. 

  • Schools do not require parents to help in the school, which is the case in some countries. However, all schools accept volunteers.  The library often needs volunteers and you can be there at the time your child has library.  You don't need to speak English to volunteer!

  • Everyone who volunteers at the school must fill out a CORI form.  This is a Criminal Offender Record Information.  This lets the schools know that people volunteering in the school are safe to work with children and have not broken laws in the United States.  You can get one from the school office.  

  • Any parent can ask for an interpreter at any time if they would like to talk to the principal, teacher, or anyone else at the school.  This is especially important at conference time.  Interpretation and translation are always free. We encourage parents to request interpreters. We want you to have access to all your languages when we talk.


The ELE teachers not only teach your child English, but they are happy to answer questions you may have about Belmont, school, enrichment activities, or places to visit.

Burbank Elementary

Butler Elementary

Wellington Elementary

Winn Brook Elementary

Chenery Upper Elementary School 

Middle School

High School


  • ELE – English Language Education (the program that teaches English--like ESL)

  • EL – English Language Learner (the student learning English)

  • PTA / PTO  -Parent Teacher Association or Parent Teacher Organization.  The PTA or PTO is a group of parents who volunteer their time to arrange fun activities for kids and to help raise money for the school.  Some parents are elected as officials and organize events.  Other parents just volunteer to help with one activity.  You can decide how much to help and they are always looking for volunteers! You can even volunteer in the library during the time that your child’s class is there.

  • Field Trip – This is a special event where children get to leave the school as a class to visit a place, like a farm, or a ballet performance, or somewhere else.  Parents will first need to sign a paper that approve of the field trip.  The school may ask for parents to drive and/or to help watch the children during the field trip to keep them safe.  This is called being a chaperone.

  • Conferences – an opportunity for every parent to meet privately with their child’s teacher.  This happens twice a year in elementary, and in the fall for the upper grades, and requires you to reserve a meeting time with the teacher.  Interpreters are available if you ask ahead!

  • Curriculum – the subjects and topics that are taught in a class

  • Book Fair – Scholastic books holds a book fair every year in each elementary school.  The books are a good price and the school receives some of the money from each order.  The school will advertise which days and times of the book fair and you attend and buy books that night.

And remember this about language learning

  • Learning to read in ANY language will help build reading skills. 

  • Speaking practice in ANY language will help build communication skills (talking about your day, putting things in sequence, paraphrasing, explaining how to do something, etc)