Summer Family Resources

In order to help keep up your child's skills over the summer, your child's teacher sent out reading lists and a math activity calendar with plenty to help them practice (off screen!).  A very big thank you to our amazing district curriculum specialist Jessica DeFrances, who worked tirelessly to support teachers in supporting your children's learning, and who created these summer resources for you.

Summer Reading Lists

Math Activity Calendars

Online Educational Support and Enrichment

The resources LINKED HERE are both programs your children already use at school, as well as those which might require creation of a new account at home. For programs children have already been using in school, our teachers will be sending out any necessary class codes that you should use to access their accounts.

Helpful Technology Resources for Children

  • Dreambox  is an adaptive, individualized math program that is aligned with state standards in a gaming environment.  It is meant for your child to practice on independently so that your child’s mistakes and confusions can provide Dreambox with information about what appropriate next practice steps will best meet your child’s needs. Your child’s mathematical learning is best supported when s/he/they practice every day.  Your child’s classroom teacher and I are able to see your child’s progress and hope to cheer them on. You should have received your child’s classroom code from her/his/their teacher.

  • Lexia is a comprehensive technology-based literacy program that extends learning for students who are advanced and accelerates learning for students who struggle. It’s an all-in-one package that seamlessly integrates into the classroom.

  • Music and Art Resources. Our Art and Music Teachers, Marissa Wakeen and Vickie Livermore, have gathered some resources for you to support and enrich your child(ren)’s time.

  • Parent Tech Support form. Families should use this form to request technical assistance from the Belmont Public Schools Technology Department.

Art and Music Resources

Grab a pencil, pen, or other art materials you have and create from any of these prompts:

  • A treasure map.

  • An imaginary planet.

  • Draw something without taking your pencil off of the paper.

  • Botanical Study: Find a flower or plant from nature. Study it carefully before drawing and draw it large-scale (fill your paper). Color your drawing if you have supplies available.

Digital Resource:


K-4 Music Resources

  • Berlin Philharmonic Free Streaming: Watch a wonderful orchestra play a piece of music with your family!

  • Take a Lesson with Little Kids Rock: Check out this website if you are interested in learning to play body percussion, compose a song, or perhaps play an instrument you have at home.

  • Musical Storybook Classic: Watch a narrated story with musical themes representing each of the characters. Peter and the Wolf is a music classroom favorite. Runs about 27 mins.

  • Rhythm Randomizer: Click on the rhythm shown and it will automatically change to a new random rhythm. Chant the rhythm on rhythm syllables, bah, or play on an instrument (recorder, drum, violin, etc.)