For Families
Opportunities for Volunteering
There are a variety of ways in which parents or other community members can volunteer at Winn Brook. These include helping:
in classrooms,,
in the school library,
on PTA committees,
on field trips as chaperones.
In terms of classroom volunteers, teachers will alert parents and guardians, via newsletters or at curriculum night, as to whether volunteers are being sought and for what purposes. Parents/guardians may also make known to their child's teacher an interest in volunteering. Library volunteers are essential in order to help check-in, reshelve, and check-out books that students borrow. There are also other maintenance tasks in the library for which volunteer help is appreciated. Each fall, PTA.'s library volunteer coordinators solicit and schedule volunteers. PTA. also solicits volunteers for office help. Please visit school library page for more information.
All volunteers and other individuals who may have direct and unmonitored contact with children in the Belmont Public Schools must complete a criminal offender records information (CORI) background check. Please see the Winn Brook School secretary for more information.
Room Parents
With teacher input, room parents for each classroom are designated by PTA room parent coordinators from the pool of parents and guardians who volunteer. There are often opportunities for those who are not room parents to help with their child's class. Individual teachers have their own way of handling classroom events (e.g. holiday celebrations, field trips, special projects) for which room parents may be contacted to arrange necessary assistance.
The Winn Brook PTA plays a vital role in our school community. They plan before/after school enrichment classes, fund enrichment programs which take place during the school day, organize library volunteers, host wonderful community building events, assist with landscaping, maintain our Lost and Found area, run curriculum related family events such as Math and Science Nights, and so much more. There are countless ways to get involved in the PTA whether you have a limited amount of time to volunteer or are able to make a long term commitment. Please see the PTA website for more information.
Communication Between School Staff and Parents
Communication between school staff and parents is of vital importance to children's education. If a parent or guardian wishes to speak with a teacher, (s)he should send a note to the teacher or call the school (between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.) to leave a message. Teachers will return messages as soon as they are able. Except in emergency or extenuating circumstances, writing or leaving a message is preferable to trying to speak with teachers at arrival or dismissal time, since teachers need to be attending to students as they start or end the school day. If there is information of which a teacher should be aware (e.g. change in dismissal routine, an event or crisis at home that may be impacting a child), parents are encouraged to send in a note about the situation. Unless a teacher has specifically indicated otherwise, parents should not call him/her at home.
Many notices are sent home from school with students. These include
information from classroom teachers,
principal's newsletters,
forms from Winn Brook office or from the school department,
information about events sponsored by PTA or community organizations.
While we try to have Wednesdays be the major "notice-home-day", there may be notices on other days as well. It is ESSENTIAL that parents/guardians check backpacks and school bags daily for notices. If a form or notice requires a response, please do so immediately. In instances where students' time is split between two different households, it is useful for the adults to work out a system for sharing information that comes home with a child so that they can both be kept informed.
School Advisory Council
According to the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993, each school in the state is to have a School Advisory Council. The Council consists of principal (as co-chair), three teacher representatives (elected by teachers in the school), four parent representatives (elected by the parent body under the auspices of the P.T.A.), and two to four community representatives. In Belmont, council members serve for staggered two-year terms, with election of new members in the early fall (from among all those interested in being on the "ballot"). The role of the Council is to assist the principal in identifying the educational needs of students, adopting educational goals for the school, reviewing the annual budget, and formulating the annual School Improvement Plan (which is subject to review by the School Committee).
METCO Program
In addition to students who reside in the Winn Brook district, there are also some Boston students who attend Winn Brook. Belmont Public Schools has participated for over 25 years in the state-funded METCO program, an urban-suburban exchange program in which students are bused from Boston to Belmont each day. Each Boston family is paired with a Belmont family as "family friends".
Belmont Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Belmont SEPAC)
The Belmont Special Education Advisory Council welcomes parents with similar interests. In addition, parents are involved in the review of curriculum and are often asked to serve on a curriculum steering committee.
Online Educational Support and Enrichment
We would like to offer some resources and suggestions to help you keep your children’s time at home enriching. The resources linked here are both programs your children already use at school, as well as those which might require creation of a new account at home. For programs children have already been using in school, our teachers will be sending out any necessary class codes that you should use to access their accounts.
Helpful Technology Resources for Children
Dreambox is an adaptive, individualized math program that is aligned with state standards in a gaming environment. It is meant for your child to practice on independently so that your child’s mistakes and confusions can provide Dreambox with information about what appropriate next practice steps will best meet your child’s needs. Your child’s mathematical learning is best supported when s/he/they practice every day. Your child’s classroom teacher and I are able to see your child’s progress and hope to cheer them on. You should have received your child’s classroom code from her/his/their teacher.
Lexia is a comprehensive technology-based literacy program that extends learning for students who are advanced and accelerates learning for students who struggle. It’s an all-in-one package that seamlessly integrates into the classroom.
Music and Art Resources Our Art, Music Teachers have gathered resources for you and your children to enrich your time at home.
Parent Tech Support
Families should use Parent Tech Support form to request technical assistance from the Belmont Public Schools Technology Department.