Extracurricular Program
This program provides an opportunity for Winn Brook students of all grades and interests to enjoy low-key, non-graded classes across a wide range of topics including sports, nature, art, computing, movement, theater, science and more. We are fortunate to have the talents of Winn Brook teachers and parents, as well as specialists from professional organizations and independent artists, to lead these enrichment courses both before and after school. Email announcements about each new session of Extracurriculars are sent to all parents on the Winn Brook ListServ at the beginning of each session’s registration week – look for these emails in mid-September, mid-December, and mid-March.
Registration for Winn Brook's Extracurricular Program is managed through the online portal, Winnbrook Recdesk, which provides many benefits:
One-stop shopping – A single online destination for all things Extracurricular's.
Family log-in – Families create a household account to be used for one or more children throughout their time at Winn Brook.
Real-time registration – Enrollment status is shown upon registration, with a wait list option available for fully enrolled classes.
Online payment – Course fees must be paid via credit card for online enrollment.
Calendar feature – Up-to-date and easy viewing of all course dates/times/locations.
Announcements – Weather closings, schedule reminders and other Extracurricular-related news.
Device friendly – Formatted for easy access on mobile and tablet devices
IMPORTANT – Each household must first create an account via the portal, using the 5 steps below, in order to register for Extracurricular classes. Once you create a household account, you will continue to use this same account each year throughout your child(ren)'s time at Winn Brook.
Visit Winnbrook Recdesk and click "Create Account"
One parent should enter his/her own information on the first "Create Account" form, check the "Head of Household" box and complete only the required info marked by red asterisks. This person will receive all emails and notifications for the household. NO STUDENT INFO should be listed here. Complete the form by selecting a username and password, and click "Submit." This creates a household account.
Click "Add Household Member," complete the form with your child’s information, click "Submit."
For additional children, click "Add Household Member" and complete the form.
Your account is now complete and you can click on "Programs" tab to preview classes.
If this is your first time registering for Extracurricular programs, we strongly encourage you to create your account prior to the start of registration in order to familiarize yourself with the portal, preview classes, and be ready to enroll when registration opens.
Registration for the upcoming sessions will be posted here when it becomes available.
About the Program
Extracurricular Enrichment classes run for three sessions during the school year. Each session is approximately six weeks long.
Fall Session begins in October and runs through mid-December.
Winter Session runs from January through March
Spring Session runs from April through June
Class times: Classes meet once a week for one hour. Most classes meet during the hour immediately after school ends; some morning classes meet for the hour before school starts.
Instructors: Some of our instructors are Winn Brook teachers, others are from professional organizations (e.g., karate and Habitat), some are independent artists, and some are Winn Brook parents. We are always on the lookout for creative new classes and instructors, so let us know if you would like to teach a class!
Monitors: Attendance, dismissal and safety of students attending afternoon Extracurricular classes are assured by monitors on location in the school during the Extracurricular class hours.
Pricing: Classes are priced to cover instructor and materials fees, plus contribute a modest profit to general PTA funds. The PTA uses proceeds from this program and other fund-raising activities throughout the year to fund wish lists for our school: needed textbooks, supplies, and technology not included in the school budget.
Behavior: Please see the following link for a statement on the program’s policy on appropriate student behavior.
Behavior in Extracurricular Classes
Contact us: Please direct any questions to the Extracurricular Committee: Email Extracurricular Committee