Safe Routes to School
Getting to School Safely
Safe Arrival and Dismissal
Winn Brook's school day officially begins at 8:40 AM, with students entering at 8:35 AM. It is essential that children be assisted in developing habits of regular attendance and punctuality, since their educational experience and progress is dependent on their participation in the classroom. Parents have the option of enrolling kindergarten student for a half or a full day. There is a tuition fee for the full day program; however, parents may apply for a waiver. Kindergarten students are dismissed at 2:45 PM. All students in grades 1-3, are dismissed at 2:50 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, the children are dismissed at 1:40 p.m. This gives our teachers time for professional development trainings.
Early Release Days
There are eight early release days each year, usually on Wednesdays. The release day afternoons are used for parent conferences or for teachers' professional development activities. The day before Thanksgiving is also early release day. Early dismissal for all students is at 11:40 a.m., with no lunch served.
School Visit Procedure
In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, during the school day, all visitors will have to ring the bell at one of the main entrances, and be “buzzed” into the building. It will be imperative that all visitors come to the main office to sign in and to obtain a “Volunteer” badge. When you leave the building, we ask that you sign out again and return the badge. For safety reasons, all classroom and field trip volunteers must complete a CORI check.
School Arrival & Dismissal Plan
Winn Brook is committed to ensuring a safe arrival and dismissal for each student. The goal of the Arrival & Dismissal Plan is safety for all, not expediency or convenience. It is your responsibility to become familiar with these procedures and educate all caregivers and drivers in your family of these expectations. Plan accordingly and allow more time especially during inclement weather.
School Entrances
There are three school entrances used during arrival:
Waterhouse Road Main Entrance: reserved for school bus students only (the exception is for tardy students who must enter the school at the Waterhouse Street Main Entrance and check-in at the front desk).
Cross Street side entrance: Students line up by grade. This entrance is not recommended for kindergarteners.
Rear Black Top Entrance: Students may play on the hardtop until the bell rings. Recommended for kindergarteners because it’s close to their classrooms.
Winn Brook encourages alternative modes of transportation, including walking, riding bicycles and scooters, carpooling, and riding the school bus. Pedestrians should use sidewalks, crosswalks, and Crossing Guards.
Traffic Signs
All drivers should be aware of posted traffic signs and school zone rules in and around the three entrances to Winn Brook, including the following:
Waterhouse Road
Waterhouse Road between Cross Street and Coolidge Road is ONE WAY during Arrival and Dismissal. You may enter Waterhouse Road from Cross Street heading east at all times. As posted on the DO NOT ENTER sign, vehicles may not drive or stop* on Waterhouse Road heading west from Coolidge Road towards Cross Street from 8:00-9AM and 2:30-3:30PM Monday through Friday.
Stopping along the school side of Waterhouse Road is prohibited at all times, as posted. “NO STOPPING” includes no parking, pausing, idling, waiting, lining up, building up, crawling forward, and queuing.
Do not enter the horseshoe driveway on Waterhouse Road that leads to the Main Entrance of the school. This is for school buses only, as posted.
Cross Street
Parking is permitted on Cross Street during Arrival and Dismissal. Please use the available parking along the tennis courts and Joey’s Park posted as STUDENT DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP AREA.
Never enter or block either of the school parking lots on Cross Street: 1) the lot between Joey’s Park and the school; and 2) the small guest lot on the corner of Cross Street and Waterhouse Road.
Do not stop on the school side of Cross Street between the two school parking lot driveways; it is posted NO STOPPING OR STANDING and is immediately in front of the crosswalk. “NO STOPPING” includes no parking, pausing, idling, waiting, lining up, building up, crawling forward, and queuing.
Sherman Street
Parking is allowed on the school side of Sherman Street along the fence adjacent to the athletic fields.
During Arrival on Sherman Street, there is a small Student Drop-off Area adjacent to the school which will be marked with cones and signage in the morning. Vehicles may stop briefly to drop-off students here, but may not leave the vehicle running or park and leave the vehicle unattended.
There is no stopping on the resident side of Sherman Street in the School Zone during Arrival and Dismissal. Obey posted signs. “NO STOPPING” includes no parking, pausing, idling, waiting, lining up, building up, crawling forward, and queuing.
Never enter or block either of the school driveways off of Sherman Street.
All drivers are reminded to
Turn off your vehicle immediately upon stopping. Idling is prohibited in all school zones, regardless of the time of day or year. This includes along the fields, playgrounds, parking lots, and 100-feet from any school buildings or property.
Yield to all pedestrians and crossing guards, and mind the crosswalks carefully.
Never make U-turns or 3-point turns in the school zone, they are prohibited.
Park on the right side of the road, facing the direction of travel. Never block or use a handicap space, spaces are for handicap parking with placard only.
Do not block or stop your vehicle within crosswalks or intersections. “NO STOPPING” includes no parking, pausing, idling, waiting, lining up, building up, crawling forward, and queuing.