Library Schedule

Grades K - 1

Students will attend a library class one time per week for 30 minutes.  This day is considered a “special” in their schedule and is lead by our Library Aide; their teacher is not present.  During library time students in Grades K-1 will listen to a story read aloud by the Library Aide, a Class Assistant, or a parent. Read alouds are followed by an opportunity for students to browse for a book they would like to check out. Alternatively, the Library Aide provides activities related to the selected read aloud titles.

Grades 2 - 3

Students attend library less predictably (1 time per week if possible, typically for less than 30 minutes) as it is not considered a “special” in their schedule.  Their teacher is in attendance at all times. During library time students in Grades 2-3 may participate in any of the above activities, as well as engage in teacher-directed research or participate in book talks with their peers.

Library Cataloging System

Follett Library Destiny database. Our cataloging system is available inside the school network only.

Library Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for each classroom in order to help check-in, re-shelve, and checkout books that students borrow. There are also other maintenance tasks in the library for which volunteer help is appreciated. Each fall the PTA library volunteer coordinator requests and schedules volunteers. Time is usually scheduled for parents to be in the library when their own children are there.

Parents/Guardians who are interested in volunteering to be trained to support the automation program at Burbank are encouraged to contact Burbank parents volunteer coordinators. They will coordinate the training and automation at our school, working with parents from the other elementary schools.