PTA update

School Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, October 10th! Hayward Photography prioritizes outdoor photography but will move to the library in case of poor weather.

Picture Day Pre-Order Form is available now for School Pictures on October 10th. These pre-order prices are only available until two days after picture day, so get orders in by Oct. 12th. Orders placed after this deadline are subject to higher package pricing and shipping/handling fees, and not all packages may be available. Another bonus of pre-ordering photos - a portion of the sale will be donated back to Burbank but only on pre-orders.

Online Orders are strongly recommended: Boston School Photos & Senior Portraits - Hayward Photography. Click the blue "Pre-Pay for Photo Day" and use our school code: BURF24

Cash/Check Orders: If you prefer not to pay online, a printout of the order form will be coming home in your child's folder this week. Fill out the form and enclose payment including $6 shipping/handling fee and send with your child to school on Picture Day (10/10). Both cash and checks are accepted, but cash must be exact - no change can be made.

On Picture Day, we have volunteers assisting photographers to help ensure your child is comfortable and photo-ready. Please remind your child to remove any clothing items you'd prefer them not to wear in their photo (sweatshirt, jacket, hat, etc.).

Pre-ordered photos will be mailed directly to the home address you provided at checkout within 4-6 weeks. Please email with any questions!