Forms & ByLaws
Thank you for participating in Chenery PTO events and programs! Outlined below are some important financial procedures that need to be followed throughout the year. They are necessary to assure that the funds we raise and spend is recorded accurately and responsibly. Please follow these guidelines when planning your event or fundraiser.
All of the forms and instructions you need can be downloaded below. Hard copies can also be found in the Treasurer’s box located in the main office directly above the teachers’ mailboxes, where all completed forms should be submitted.
Payment Requests
If a check is required to reimburse a committee member for event related expenses or to pay a vendor, please fill out a Check Request Form and submit to the Treasurer with an attached invoice or receipt.
A PTO check should be written directly to a vendor whenever possible and can usually be arranged with just a few days notice. Occasionally, this may be logistically difficult and a committee member may choose to pay a vendor directly and seek reimbursement later. No one should hesitate to request reimbursement for expenses they personally covered, no matter how small the amount. Prior approval (from the treasurer or the PTO presidents) is necessary for any non-routine or non-budgeted expense over $200.
Petty Cash
If an event requires the use of petty cash and a cash box, please submit a Petty Cash Request Form one week before the date needed. Think about the nature of your cash use in requesting the amount and denomination required, i.e. whether prices require loose change or just bills. Petty cash is to be returned in full along with proceeds of the event to the Treasurer using fund remittance guidelines below.
Submitting Cash and Checks
All funds collected should be submitted to the Treasurer within one week of receipt or of the event when possible. Please fill out the Fund Remittance Form and make sure that you provide an accounting of all the checks. For events/activities with many deposits, please keep track of name, check number, and
amount in case a check is returned to us.
All cash and checks must be counted and vouched for by a 2 volunteers and then verified with the Treasurer. Cash collected at events as well as petty cash should never be used to pay for expenses of any kind. When you are submitting cash, please notify the Treasurer and make arrangements to get the cash to the Treasurer safely.
Sales Tax
The PTO must pay MA sales tax on the revenue from the sale of certain items. If you are planning to sell anything other than food at your event please consult with us. If you are purchasing items, you may use the tax exempt number for the PTO. We can email you the forms that you will have to provide the vendor.
Thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of the Chenery PTO! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Treasurer: Wenhong Liu
Asst. Treasurer: Ying Tian
Current Version:
Chenery Middle School PTO, Inc. - September 2012
Previous Versions:
Chenery Middle School PTO, Inc. - May 2010