What we do
About Us and What we Do
The Chenery PTO is an all-volunteer run organization. The engaged and supportive parents of Chenery help to build a strong community and enriching learning environment. The sharing of time and talents and generous financial support of our parents make all of the work of the PTO possible.
The 2023-2024 school year holds enrichment programming and author visits, social and educational events. The work of the PTO benefits each and every child at Chenery!
Watch our weekly newsletters and the website for upcoming opportunities to get involved and please consider a tax-deductible donation. Thank you! We can’t do it without you!
Budget Summary
2022-2023 - TBA
2021-2022 - TBA
2020-2021 - TBA
See the Chenery PTO approved 2019/2020 budget.
See the Chenery PTO approved 2018/2019 budget.
Connect with Chenery!
Attend PTO Meetings and Coffees with the Principal and hear from staff, administrators, special guests, and fellow parents.
Join us!