Requirements for Graduation
All students must enroll in six full courses each semester of every year. One hundred credits are required to receive a diploma from Belmont High School. In addition, students must fulfill the following requirements:
English – 4 years - 21 credits
(Including Senior Thesis)Social Studies – 3 years - 15 credits
World History
American StudiesModern World History or AP Modern World History
Mathematics – 4 years - 20 credits
Science – 4 years - 20 credits
Fine and Performing Arts – 1 year - 5 credits
World Language – 2 years - 10 credits
Physical Education & Health - 8 credits
4 years (2 credits per year)
Grade 9: Wellness (I), required
Grade 11: Positive Decision-Making (required) and one
additional PE credit.
Grades 10 & 12: Health and fitness courses offered as
part of the curriculum and/or P.E. optionsCommunity Service – 40 Hours
View Four-Year Planner for 2025-2026 School Year
Only credits showing on the BHS transcript can be applied towards the graduation requirements at BHS. All students must take and pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science in order to qualify for a high school diploma.
Credit requirements for grade classification will be determined by the following criteria:
Freshmen - promotion from Grade 8
Sophomores - 25 credits earned, at least ten hours of community service served, and two physical education credits completed.
Juniors - 50 credits earned (and be able to meet course requirements for graduation), at least 20 hours of community service served, and four physical education credits completed.
Seniors - 75 credits earned (and/or be able to meet course requirements for graduation); at least 30 hours of community service served, and six physical education credits completed.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Admission to Advanced Placement and Honors Level courses is based upon proven achievement and ability as demonstrated by grades and/or test results. Teacher recommendations also weigh heavily upon this decision.