Marauders of the Week

Each week, members of the Belmont High School staff nominate seniors to be featured on our website, live feed on the Belmont School app, and for display on the school monitors. The students earn this spotlight for outstanding accomplishments ranging from citizenship to extracurricular activities to scholastics. We are excited for this opportunity to highlight a broad group of our amazing students at BHS!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Wynn Tenhor

Wynn Tenhor

William Lin

William Lin

Josh Christensen

Josh Christensen

Wynn Tenhor

Marauder of the Week: Wynn Tenhor

1. What is your favorite school subject?

AP Art

2. Most influential classes / teachers:

APUSH with Ms. White, Milo, & Mr. Flam

3. What extracurriculars have been meaningful to you?

The Gender Sexuality Alliance has always been such an inclusive, welcoming and upbeat community. So happy to be a part of it <3 - also, the PAC!! There's no other feeling like being backstage or in the tech booth during a show, and being a part of the magic.

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

The PAC is hands down the best group of people I've ever been a part of - such a kind, talented group. I am so incredibly proud of every single show that we've put together since the fall play of my freshman year. I can't wait to stage manage for the upcoming shows this year!! ROOOOOOLLLL PAC!

5. What are you passionate about?

I'm really passionate about advocating to protect and destigmatize mental health and neurodivergence, especially expanding the accessibility of resources and the education and conversation surrounding it.

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

You know that thing you've been thinking about doing, but have been too nervous? DO IT!

William Lin

Marauder of the Week: William Lin

1. What is your favorite school subject?

STEM in general

2. Most influential classes / teachers:

BC Calculus (Mr. Delorio), Chem Honors (Mx. B), Physics Honors (Mr. Jonsson), AP Physics 2 (Mr. Loosman), AP Bio (Ms. Saxena), Algebra 2 (Mr. Moresco), Precalculus (Ms. Grossi), Economics (Mr. Streit), 3D Art (Ms. English), Ms. Bloom in English 11H, Ms. Mastalong in AP Modern World History

3. What extracurriculars have been meaningful to you?

Science Team, Math Team

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

Helping tutor kids through BASEC

5. What are you passionate about?

Learning new things

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

Make sure to get enough sleep

Josh Christensen

Marauder of the Week: Josh Christensen

1. What is your favorite school subject?

History and math

2. Most influential classes / teachers:

Pre-calc with Mrs. Rafia and AP world with Ms. Mastalong

3. What extracurriculars have been meaningful to you?

Basketball and rugby

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

Working with the Belmont food pantry since I was in 2nd grade. Winning the rugby state championship my sophomore year.

5. What are you passionate about?

Learning about the global refugee crisis and the beach

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

Do your homework and always talk to a teacher when you have a problem or question.

Marauders of the Week Archive