Resources for Parents and Students

Supporting Students and Families During COVID-19

Student Resources for Social Emotional Support

Free Internet Speed Increase or Access for Low Income: Internet Essentials from Comcast

State Wide Coronavirus Hotline - Dial 2-1-1

Help Steps - information regarding testing, access to supplies, and workplace questions: Help Steps

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Dial 617-704-6264 NAMI MA

Samaritans suicide prevention: Samaritans

Advocates (in Waltham) - provides all types of crisis support: Advocates Organization 1-800-640-5432

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -  specific resources for youth - 800-273-8255 Suicide Prevention Lifeline.for Youth 

Teen Line - teen to teen support line: Teen Line Online 
Although the phone line is on hold right now due to the virus spread, teens can TEXT TEEN to 839863 to be connected with another teen for support.

DCF Arlington Department of Children and Families - child protective agency 781-641-8500 DCF Arlington Area Office

Mental Health and Well Being:  Mental health and Well Being

Mental Health Toolkit: Shine Initiative - Mental Health Toolkit

Take - Home Toolbox: Instructions for Mental Health

Breathing Exercises for Kids: Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids

National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC): College Admission Status Update 

Parent Resources for Social Emotional Support