Resources for Parents and Students
Supporting Students and Families
Care Solace - Providing Mental Health Coordination for Students and their Families
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Dial 617-704-6264 NAMI MA
Samaritans suicide prevention: Samaritans
Advocates (in Waltham) - provides all types of crisis support: Advocates Organization 1-800-640-5432
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - specific resources for youth - 800-273-8255 Suicide Prevention Lifeline. for Youth
Teen Line - teen to teen support line: Teen Line Online
DCF Arlington Department of Children and Families - child protective agency 781-641-8500 DCF Arlington Area Office
Mental Health and Well Being: Mental health and Well Being
Mental Health Toolkit: Shine Initiative - Mental Health Toolkit
Take - Home Toolbox: Instructions for Mental Health
Breathing Exercises for Kids: Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids
Mental Health Resource List (updated by Belmont Public Library, May 2022)
Free Internet Speed Increase or Access for Low Income: Internet Essentials from Comcast