Course Placement
Course Selection
The course selection process begins in the late winter. Teachers will recommend a course level (CP, H, AP) for each student for the next year. If a student or parent/guardian has questions about a teacher’s recommendation, he/she should consult with the teacher. The teacher’s recommendation will become the student’s course level placement unless the student or parent/guardian(s) initiates the course placement review process.
Building a master schedule that best serves student’s needs requires concrete numbers to work with; therefore, it is imperative that students follow the posted deadlines for submission of course selection paperwork. If the deadlines are missed or the paperwork is incomplete, guidance will use the teacher recommendations and choose the best schedule for the student. Requests for changes after the deadline cannot be considered.
Course Placement Review Process
Parents disagreeing with a teacher’s recommendation regarding course selection for the upcoming year must first discuss the matter with the teacher. If there is still disagreement, the student must complete a placement review form. Once completed and signed by the student’s teacher and parent or guardian, the form should be turned in to the Guidance Office, which will forward it to the Department Director. The Department Director may contact the parent/guardian depending on the nature of the request. To be considered, placement review paperwork must be completed and turned in by the stated deadline. All paperwork handed in after the stated deadline will not be considered.
Appropriate course selection and placement decisions ensure a successful high school experience. Please take the recommendations made by teachers seriously; they are familiar with student’s interests, abilities and work habits, as well as the content and expectations of the high school curriculum.
If a student enters a course in September which was not recommended by the teacher, s/he will be expected to remain at the selected level for at least one academic quarter. A level change may be made earlier, but only in extreme circumstances and with the approval of the Department Director and a school administrator. Students must remain in their originally scheduled courses until they have received official notification from the guidance counselor to enter the new course.
For Math placement guidelines, please review this document: Caregiver Guidelines for Accelerated Math Placement at Belmont High School