Course Selection
Course Selection Process for the 2025-26 school year
The course selection process begins in the late winter. Teachers will recommend a course level (CP, H, AP) for each student for the next year. If a student or parent/guardian has questions about a teacher’s recommendation, he/she should consult with the teacher. The teacher’s recommendation will become the student’s course level placement unless the student or parent/guardian(s) initiates the course placement review process. Detailed course information can be found in the program of studies which can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Students disagreeing with their placement in a recommended core academic class should first talk with their teacher and begin the placement review process. Course Placement Review forms are available below.
BHS Course Information and Course Selection Process
Course Selection Overview Slides
Course Placement Review
Independent Study Forms:
Physical Education Independent Study Form for 12th Grade (new form coming soon)
Read the Program of Studies on the following page:
Please use the new time management calculator to help estimate the amount of hours you may spend on homework when selecting courses. This will help you to develop a balanced course load: