General Information: For All Players
Required Forms in the seasonal Athletic Registration
BHS Parents & Student Athletes are reminded that the following required forms are part of our registration and must be completed prior to try-outs.
Parent permission form
MIAA Chemical Health form
Concussion Education form
Seasonal Concussion History form
Proof of a Physical Exam should be sent to The Belmont High School Nurse by August 1st to ensure that they are processed prior to the start of Fall Sports. Currently per the State Department of Public Health regulations, Physical Exams are ONLY GOOD for 13 months from the date of the exam, No Exceptions.
Athletic Participation Fee
The athletic fee must be paid prior to the start of Fall, Winter or Spring Sports seasons. For more information visit the Athlete Registration page.
Please take care of physicals and required athletic participation forms before arriving on the first day. There are many of these and candidates can only participate when all forms completed and are on file.
Players missing any requirements will not be able to participate in tryouts.