Marauders of the Week

Each week, members of the staff nominate seniors for the spotlight, for outstanding accomplishments ranging from citizenship to extracurricular activities to scholastic. We are excited for this opportunity to highlight a broad group of the amazing students at BHS!

Marauders of the Week: Volume 2023-2024

Marauders of the Week: Friday, April 12th, 2024

DJ Joseph

DJ Joseph

1. Favorite school subject:

My favorite subject in school is definitely science because it’s fun

2. Most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

I think one of my most influential teachers would be Ms Baker and Ms Newcombe. Whenever I needed help with schoolwork it was always easy to go to them for help.

3. Extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

An extracurricular that is very meaningful to me is a school work based internship that I completed last spring. This internship not only gave me money, it also gave me great knowledge and insight into future workspaces and how I would work with a team around me.

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

Being a volleyball manager was very cool and it made me like the sport more than I already and I met a ton of fun people. I felt a strong sense of community as well.

5. What are you passionate about?

I’d like to say I’m very passionate about cars, something about them just fascinates me and doesn’t fail to bring a smile to my face every time I talk about them

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

For some people school can be very challenging and you should never be afraid to ask for help!

Michael Voigt

Michael Voigt

. Favorite school subject:


2. Most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

Mr. Loosmann (Physics), Mr. O (Stats), Mrs. Saxena (Bio)

3. Extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

Math Team, Science Team, Tennis Team

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

Being team captain for the Belmont math & science teams, as well as building and supporting a strong STEM community in Belmont throughout the past four years

5. What are you passionate about?

Optical Physics

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

Use high school as an opportunity to try as many different things as you can so that you can discover what truly interests you the most

Eleanor Hardy

Eleanor Hardy

1. Favorite school subject:

French, AP Lit

2. Most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

Orchestra, AP Modern World with Ms. Mastalong, AP French

3. Extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

Model UN, Cello, Climate activism through Sunrise, XR youth and Boston Climate Action Network

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

Model UN, I'm director of crisis for our team and am so proud of everyone's incredible accomplishments in the last three years. We've been ranked in the top five in the nation just the other week!

5. What are you passionate about?

Climate activism, Criminal Justice, research, reading, and music.

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

Try it out! Getting out of your comfort zone is sometimes the kindest thing you can do for yourself.

Marauders of the Week: Friday, April 5th, 2024

Julia Luber

Julia Luber

1. Favorite school subject:


2. Most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

AP Art with Milo, Media Arts with Ms. Remick, Game Theory with Ms. Carlivati, Ms. Lacasse, Mr. Flam, Ms. King, Ms. Donovan, Mr. Roy, and Ms. Burhoe

3. Extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

PAC, Claypit Crooners, and colorguard

4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community?

I’m most proud of all of the activities and experiences I took part in during my years at BHS, particularly performing in PAC and marching band. It allowed me to meet some of my closest friends and explore so many new interests!

5. What are you passionate about?

I’m most passionate about art and anything that involves creativity! My dream is to become a full time artist and I’m so excited to start pursuing that next year!

6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students?

Take up space! You deserve to be loud and excited and to try everything you want to try! Ask for help, make mistakes, and to let yourself grow!

Mia Taylor

Mia Taylor

1. favorite school subject:

biology and psychology

2. most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

econ with mr. streit and global leadership have changed the way i view the world

3. extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

swim team and rugby where i have made many friends and good memories and climate action club which has given me opportunities to make an impact in our town.

4. what are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at bhs or in the community?

winning rugby state champs, and helping to start compost!!

5. what are you passionate about?

playing sports, the environment, and hiking!

6. what words of wisdom would you like to leave for other bhs students?

don’t sign up for the college board emails when you take the psat :)

matteo antonio frabetti

Matteo Antonio Frabetti

1. favorite school subject:

biology and economics

2. most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s)

economics h with mr. goldfine, biology h with ms. rankin, ap psych with ms. snow, and ms. masterson!

3. extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you:

5 minutes ago has been the most meaningful extracurricular that i have ever done because of the benefits i see it cause in the belmont community. when i started watching the videos during covid my freshmen year i didn't really understand how meaningful it was to the bhs community. it was only until parents and strangers started recognizing me around belmont that i realized that the work we do on 5 minutes ago has an impact on the surrounding community. i was no longer just working on the show for my classmates, i was working on it for the teachers, parents, and faculty of bhs.

4. what are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at bhs or in the community?

i am honored for being part of wrestling as a captain and as a wrestler. there is no other sport like wrestling which can build and test character as well as it. the character and discipline of a person is what makes them a good wrestler so there is an empowering feeling when you fight with men and women who match your determination and discipline in order to break their opponents. wrestling has also always challenged me. i am constantly learning wrestling in the season and off-season from people who are younger than me.

5. what are you passionate about?

my two most passionate fields are healthcare and finance. i hope to bridge the connection between healthcare and finance in order to foster new ways to help patients economically or maybe even help patients directly. 

6. what words of wisdom would you like to leave for other bhs students?

accept every opportunity and regret nothing. you can't possibly know what you like or what your strengths are if you've never tried anything else. push yourself into uncomfortable positions and situations. i personally never thought that i would be a host for 5 minutes ago, nor did i think that i was ever going to be a guest host because i was super shy. but then out of the blue an opportunity opened up and i just decided to say yes and now here i am.