English Learners Education
Belmont is an international and diverse community. About 30% of our students speak at least two languages in the home. 10% of our students are still working on gaining full academic proficiency in the English language. Those students, English Learners [ELs], receive specialized instruction in the English language during the school day. In the Belmont Public Schools, ELs take most of their classes within the regular classroom or program of studies—they are not separated from non-EL students. In addition to those regular classes, EL students also take a separate English language development class with an ELE teacher. In that class, they learn to use and understand complex, academic English in all four language domains: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They will learn new vocabulary, build more complicated sentences, and read and write sophisticated text in English. These classes take place during the regular school day, though students in grades 5-12 may choose to stay after school for additional English tutoring twice a week. Summer English programming is also offered for beginner ELs in Grades K-8.
In Grades 5-12, we also offer a sheltered language arts class for students at beginning levels of English. These classes are taught by our ELL teachers as well. The goal of all our programming is to provide early, intensive support to English language learners so that they reach grade-level proficiency in English as quickly as possible. For most students, this will happen within three years even if they speak no English at all when entering our schools. Many students exit the program even sooner.
For information about the Belmont Schools, ELE services, as well as resources of interest in the greater Boston area, please visit the BPS English Language Education web page.