Social Studies

Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the school program, social studies provides a coordinated study drawing upon such disciplines as history, economics, geography, and law, as well as appropriate content from the humanities. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an increasingly interdependent world

World Geography - Grade 7th

The goal of World Geography is to help students become global citizens.  Throughout the course, they will develop a sense of where things are in the world, learn about how the resources of an area impact the way people live, and reflect on how they interact with and relate to the world.  Study is focused on the 5 themes of geography (location, sense of place, movement, human-environment interaction, culture, and the concept of region).  Students will practice analyzing and interpreting sources as well as make and support claims based on evidence.

Topic Outline:

  • Intro Unit – Basics of geography

  • South America

  • Africa

    • West

    • Central, South, East

    • North

  • Middle East

  • Asia

    • North and Central

    • South

    • East

    • Southeast

  • Oceania

  • North America

  • Europe

Civics - Grade 8th

The goal of this course is to prepare students to have the knowledge and skills to become thoughtful and active participants in a democratic society and a complex world. In this course, students study the roots and foundations of U.S. democracy, how and why it has developed over time, and the role of individuals in maintaining a healthy democracy. Students will practice analyzing and interpreting a wide range of sources as well as make and support claims based on evidence. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to participate in a student-led civics project by applying their civic knowledge and skills to help make change.

Topic Outline:

  • Foundations of the United States political system

  • Development of the United States government

  • Institutions of United States government

  • Rights and responsibilities of citizens

  • The Constitution, Amendments, and Supreme Court decisions

  • The structure of Massachusetts state and local government

Deborah McDevitt - Social Studies Director


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Students posing for picture in front of classroom