Safe Routes to School
These procedures are intended as an organized system of entry and dismissal that operates as smoothly as possible for students, staff, and families. BMHS Campus Map
School Visit Procedure
In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, during the school day, all visitors will have to ring the bell at one of the main entrances, and be “buzzed” into the building. It will be imperative that all visitors come to the main office to sign in and to obtain a “Volunteer” badge. BMS staff members will not only assist all visitors but will also confirm that visitors have legitimate business at the school. When you leave the building, we ask that you sign out again and return the badge.
Walking/Biking to School
Middle School students should walk and enter on the Middle School side. Those riding bikes should park and lock their bikes on the racks near the Middle School entrance.
Riding the Bus
Middle School students will arrive and depart from campus on buses shared with the Chenery Upper Elementary students.
In the Morning: Students Riding the Bus will arrive at the middle school entrance.
In the Afternoon: Buses will pick up in the loop at the middle school entrance.
Driving and Traffic
In the Morning: Caretakers may enter the loop in front of the middle or high school entrances and drop their middle school student(s) off. When dropping off in the front circles, caretakers should exit promptly and may exit the campus by taking a right OR left. Please be mindful of oncoming traffic.
In the Afternoon: Caretakers wishing to pick up students on campus may wait for dismissal and pick up in the queueing areas on the campus site (see map). DO NOT enter, idle, or park on the high school side of the building.
Traffic and Map: We will be allowing middle and high school students to enter the BMHS campus through either the high school or middle school entrances. This change has been made to accommodate families with students in both schools. School staff will be on hand to ensure that students go to the appropriate area of the building after entering.
Please note
Caretakers may NOT enter, idle or park in the loop in front of the school in the afternoon. The loop is reserved for buses only for afternoon transportation.
Friendly Suggestion to Avoid Traffic Delays and Congestion
With the construction of both the rink and the library, as well as the total number of students attending all (over 2,000 students), we anticipate that there will be considerable congestion around the campus in the mornings and afternoons.
Urge your student(s) to walk or bike to school.
If you drop students off close to the campus, please have students use crosswalks and bike lanes. Once students get onto campus, utilize sidewalks and pathways. There are spaces to lock bikes on campus.
Please be aware that on Monday, July 10, 2023, the Belmont Select Board voted unanimously to change the direction of one-way traffic on Underwood Street.Entry and dismissal procedures are developed with this change in direction.