School Hours
Our school hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 7:15 AM - 2:25 PM
"Regular" Wednesday: 7:15 AM - 1:15 PM
"Early Release" Wednesday: 7:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Attendance Line
If your child will not be attending school due to illness or other reason, please call the attendance line at (617) 993-2001 by 8:30AM or use this form:
Belmont Middle School students are scheduled for 6 instructional blocks per day attend classes for their enrolled academic subjects across a 7-day cycle.
Students attend ELA, Foreign Language, Social Studies, Science, and Math 6 blocks per cycle. Additionally, Music meets 4 blocks and Physical Education meets 2 blocks per cycle. Finally, students attend a unified arts block 6 blocks per cycle which rotates every 30 school days between Health, Engineering, and Visual Arts.
Please note
The homeroom announcements begin at 7:55am every morning. However, students should arrive before then, and can arrive in the cafeteria as early as 7:15 AM. Students arriving late miss important instruction and begin their day already behind.
After School
After the school day ends students who remain on campus must be accountable to an adult: at an extra help session, enrolled in the BASEC after school program, participating in a club or team. All students are expected to be accountable to an adult any time they are in school, including before school and after school. Our School Resource Officer and campus monitors are responsible for asking each student, “Which adult are you accountable to?” during all times outside of regular school hours.
See the final Belmont Middle School Schedule. Watch a video explaining the schedule from a middle school lens: BMS Schedule
Arrival and Dismissal
One of the keys to academic achievement is good attendance. Consistent participation in school and school-based activities is important for making a successful transition from youth to adulthood. Student tardiness and truancy are challenges that confront many communities in Massachusetts and the country. Often, these behaviors are the first indicators that a student may be experiencing stress or other difficulties in his or her life.