About Us
Wellington School is an elementary school for grades K-3 that services one of the four districts in Belmont, MA. Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values are the cornerstone for excellence in support of the school. Members of the Wellington Elementary School community worked together to develop the following core values for all of our students and community members. It is our hope that our students will further develop their appreciation for these core values of Caring, Curiosity, and Equity during the time they attend Wellington Elementary School.

Elementary Schools Philosophy
The Belmont Elementary School program (K-3) is designed to assist children in the process of growing up and of preparing them to live useful lives as citizens. Its purpose is to promote maximum growth and development in emotional stability, social adjustment, physical development, and mental abilities as student’s progress through the grades.
The framework of the elementary school is based on the philosophy that public education is the chief instrument for achieving the goals of American democracy. In order that these goals may be attained, the elementary school provides experiences which develop understandings, attitudes, and skills necessary to democratic living and at the same time provide for the adjustment of the individual to the group.
The basic curriculum covers the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology, and Visual Arts. Each grade has a set of Benchmarks within each of these topics which can be found in the departments section of the website.
In addition to the basic curriculum, learning is enriched on a regular basis through special events and activities. The Arts and Enrichment Programs of the parent-teacher organization (PTO) sponsor artists, authors, and scientists in residence, marine biologists, musicians, opera performances, historical educators, dance companies, and storytellers. These programs supplement the curriculum.
Students attend school from 8:40 AM to 2:50 PM with a midday break for lunch and recess. Parents may elect to have their child attend a before or after school program for a fee. These programs are structured and supervised, and range from specific enrichment activities in arts, STEM, and athletics to after school care while you work that also includes time for reading, homework, and snacks.
The school and community are inseparable. The program of instruction derives vitality and purpose from the resources of the community and, in turn, lifts and enriches the level of life in the community. The elementary schools recognize that the community consists of individuals who live, work, play and learn together. Those who attend school shall bear the imprint of the family and community life which they have experienced. Teachers shall take advantage of, and build upon, what is already available to the child in her or his environment.