Support Us

Wellington PTO is a non-profit, volunteer-run charitable organization that relies on your financial support. There are a number of ways you can help us make a difference at Wellington. Please read these options carefully so that you can select the appropriate link!
If you have any questions, please contact our PTO co-Presidents at Email Wellington PTO Presidents
There are many things about Wellington for which we are grateful:
An amazing group of teachers, staff members and custodians who ensure our children are educated and supported in a safe environment.
A strong community of families who stay connected and committed to each other
An incredible principal who is leading our school with wisdom, compassion, and grace.
The Wellington PTO is committed to supporting teachers, students, and our community. Contributions to the Wellington PTO Annual Fund will support the following things each school year:
Grade-specific and school-wide enrichment programs
Magazine and online subscriptions for classrooms
Teacher reimbursements for classroom needs
Community building initiatives and events
Ongoing appreciation for teachers and staff
Please join us in supporting our school by donating to the Wellington Annual Fund!
How much should I give to the annual fund?
We recognize there are many financial challenges facing Wellington families, and we respect that every family will have to consider their own economic situation before making a donation. In a typical year, the PTO spends approximately $200/child on various initiatives, but a gift of any amount is greatly appreciated!
Donations can be one-time or spread out on a monthly basis via PayPal.
How can I make a donation?
Online: Click below to donate online via PayPal. Enter your donation amount. If you want to give monthly, check the box that says "Make this a monthly donation" and adjust the amount accordingly.
By check: please make out your check to Wellington PTO and indicate "annual fund" and your child’s name in the memo section. you may send the check back to school in your child’s communication folder or mail it directly to our mailbox at school:
Wellington school attn: Wellington PTO
121 Orchard Street
Belmont, ma 02478
Matching Gifts
Check to see if your employer matches charitable gifts!
If you would like a receipt for your donation, please email the Wellington PTO Treasurer.
Wellington School PTO’s EIN (Employer Identification Number) is 04-3093301.
Can I still volunteer with the PTO?
Absolutely! We would love for you to be involved. Please sign up using this form: PTO Volunteer Form. No donation necessary.
General Donation
If you would like to make a contribution to our general fund, please use this form: General Donation Form. Donations made through this link are fully tax deductible, and this form includes options for sending an acknowledgement in Honor/Memory of someone.
Third Grade Send-Off (3GSO)
The Third Grade Send-Off (3GSO) is an annual tradition in Belmont. At Wellington, it is a celebration held just for the third graders and their parents/guardians to commemorate the end of the students' time in elementary school and the transition to upper elementary school: Chenery. In addition to fundraising during the school year (Spirit Wear, Moozy's Day) and some funding from the PTO for souvenirs, third grade families are asked to make a small donation for a special celebration. Please note that all third graders and their parents may fully participate in the event regardless of whether or not a contribution is made.
Box Tops
The Box Top program is going clipless!
Wellington supporters will earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased, plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops offers.
By downloading the app and scanning your store receipt within 14 days of purchase, Wellington PTO can earn money from your purchases while minimizing our carbon footprint.
Information can be found here: Boxtops 4 Education