Safe Routes School
Getting to School Safely
ABC: Always Be Careful
We understand the busy nature of arrival and dismissal times at Wellington Elementary School. Please take a moment in your hectic travels to follow these and other general traffic precautions to ensure everyone’s safety.
supervision once the school day ends at 2:50 PM, walking students are expected to go directly home. Walking students may not stay at school on the playground to play without a parent/guardian present.
Walking to School
Students in Grades 2, 3, and 4 who have parent permission may walk home by themselves. Parents/guardians must submit a written note giving permission to the school to release a student to walk home at dismissal. All notes will be kept on file with classroom teachers, and cover only one school year. Because we do not provide after school
Carpools and Walking Buses
Carpools and walking buses could dramatically reduce traffic in this area, and we encourage families to consider exploring these solutions with their neighbors. A walking bus is when a group of neighbors collaborate to walk as a group, to/from school.
Driving and Traffic
The Town’s Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) has met with the Wellington Building Committee, School Department, neighbors and other community members to establish the following procedures. Additionally, an engineering study was done by the consulting firm of Vanasse Hangen and Brustlin, Inc. In general, the plan is to control access to the school while keeping traffic moving away from the school site during drop-off and pick-up hours.
School Visit Procedure
In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, during the school day, all visitors will have to ring the bell at one of the main entrances, and be “buzzed” into the building. It will be imperative that all visitors come to the main office to sign in and to obtain a “Volunteer” badge. Wellington staff members will not only assist all visitors but will also confirm that visitors have legitimate business at the school. When you leave the building, we ask that you sign out again and return the badge.
School Arrival
Instruction begins promptly at 8:40AM daily. There is a very short, ten minute window for our arrival process: Students should arrive no later than 8:40 AM but NEVER before 8:30 AM. There is no supervision for students before 8:30 AM unless they are enrolled in the morning Student Care Program.
School Dismissal
Students are dismissed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 2:50PM.
On most Wednesdays students are dismissed at 1:40PM.
All students in Kindergarten and first grade must be collected by an escort (unless they stay for Student Care or they ride the bus).
Grades 2-4 students may also be collected from school by an escort, but being escorted is not required.