For Families
Opportunities for Volunteering
There are many volunteer opportunities in the elementary schools: assisting students with computer use, working in the library media center; sharing travel experiences or speaking about one’s career. Parents/guardians who are interested and available should let their principal know. Each principal works with an elected School Advisory Council whose members include parents, teachers, and community members.
Anyone interacting with children needs to have a CORI on file. Please see the Wellington Elementary School secretary for more information.
Each school has an active parent-teacher organization that meets periodically during the school year. Parents are urged to join the organization and give it support and assistance. Notices concerning meetings and activities will be sent home. In addition to fund raising, these volunteer programs sponsor special performance and educational enrichment programs for students, as well as a number of child care programs: before school program and after school care programs in each elementary school. Specific information on these programs can be obtained from the individual building PTA/PTO Officers.
The Wellington PTO is a volunteer organization that supports your child(ren)’s education. The Wellington PTO funds field trips and enrichment programs to enhance, elevate, and diversify each Wellington Elementary School student’s school experience. The Wellington PTO welcomes parents & guardians to contribute in a variety of ways such as volunteering at events, making donations, and volunteering in the library. The Wellington PTO also funds teachers’ instructional expenses, textbooks, and library books.
Each classroom has 1-2 assigned PTO Room Parent(s), who serve(s) as a liaison between parents/guardians and teachers. Room Parents are provided with parent/guardian contact information. The Room Parent will communicate with you using phone or email. These communications usually include information about classroom needs, coordinating class gifts, and coordinating parent field trip volunteers. Room Parents are not permitted to use the email distribution or telephone lists for any personal/or political reasons. Room Parents at Wellington Elementary School must attend a short training and also must adhere to the expected PTO and school communication processes and policies. At least one room parent per grade is encouraged to attend Wellington PTO meetings (usually 3-4 meetings per year).
See more on the PTO website.
Anyone interacting with children needs to have a CORI on file. Please see the Wellington Elementary School secretary for more information.
School Advisory Council
The Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993 requires each public school in the Commonwealth to establish a School Advisory Council, composed of parent, teacher and community representatives. The Council has responsibility for assisting the principal “in the identification of the educational needs of the students attending the school, in the review of the annual school budget, and in the formulation of a school improvement plan...”. (M.G.L. c.59B, s.59c, as amended).
The PTO, under the direction of the principal, administers the election of parent representatives, who generally serve two-year terms. Parents interested in serving on the School Advisory Council, should speak with the principal or the PTO president.
Councils are to assist principals by reviewing the school building budget and developing the school improvement plan. Councils' school improvement plans are submitted to the local school committee for review and approval.
The law outlines four major areas of responsibility for councils. School councils are to assist principals in:
Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
Reviewing the annual school building budget
Formulating a school improvement plan
Belmont Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Belmont SEPAC)
The Belmont Special Education Advisory Council welcomes parents with similar interests. In addition, parents are involved in the review of curriculum and are often asked to serve on a curriculum steering committee.
Online Educational Support and Enrichment
We would like to offer some resources and suggestions to help you keep your children’s time at home enriching. The resources linked here are both programs your children already use at school, as well as those which might require creation of a new account at home. For programs children have already been using in school, our teachers will be sending out any necessary class codes that you should use to access their accounts.
Helpful Technology Resources for Children
Dreambox is an adaptive, individualized math program that is aligned with state standards in a gaming environment. It is meant for your child to practice on independently so that your child’s mistakes and confusions can provide Dreambox with information about what appropriate next practice steps will best meet your child’s needs. Your child’s mathematical learning is best supported when s/he/they practice every day. Your child’s classroom teacher and I are able to see your child’s progress and hope to cheer them on. You should have received your child’s classroom code from her/his/their teacher.
Lexia is a comprehensive technology-based literacy program that extends learning for students who are advanced and accelerates learning for students who struggle. It’s an all-in-one package that seamlessly integrates into the classroom.
Music and Art Resources Our Art, Music Teachers have gathered resources for you and your children to enrich your time at home.
Parent Tech Support
Families should use Parent Tech Support form to request technical assistance from the Belmont Public Schools Technology Department.
Playlist: Video Messages for Wellington Families
English Learner Education
Non-English speaking students are assisted in acquiring the English language. The emphasis is on developing oral skills, comprehension, basic vocabulary and proper sentence patterns. Students are seen individually or in small groups regularly depending on their written and oral proficiency. The Belmont Public Schools participates in the state mandated testing program. ACCESS testing is administered for ELL students in grades K-12. To help families who are new to the United States understand the American school system and the Belmont schools, ELL in the schools, and what to do in the greater Boston area, please visit the English Language Education page.
Targeted Assistance Programs
Two Belmont elementary schools are Title I schools, with Targeted Assistance Programs supporting literacy:
Daniel Butler Elementary School
Roger Wellington Elementary School
In both schools, Title I funds are used to provide supplemental literacy instruction for students identified for Title I services. The Belmont Public Schools, in compliance with state and federal guidelines for the use of grant funds, do not use Title I funds to supplant existing positions that should be supported by the operating budget. Title I funds may not supplant public education services that are to be provided to all students. As noted in BPS Policy 3003 (enclosed), the use of grant funds will be in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
School District-Level Criteria for Selection of Students
Students are assessed and identified for Title I services by a process that includes the following:
Current classroom performance
Assessment by either the Title I teacher, the ELA Teacher, or a Resource Teacher
Standardized test results
Parent recommendation
English/Language Arts support staff work with classroom teachers to assess students who are identified by classroom teachers, E/LA support staff, or parents.
In addition to the students identified by the criteria above and any additional school selection criteria, the following students are automatically eligible for Title I services:
A student who, at any time in the preceding 2 years, participated in a Head Start, Even Start, or Early Reading First program, or in Title I preschool services.
A student who, at any time in the preceding 2 years, received services under Title I, Part C, Migrant Program.
A student in a local institution for neglected or delinquent children and youth or attending a community day program for such children.
A student who is homeless and attending any school in the district.
Read more about Title I in the Wellington School Handbook
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