School Departments and Academics
School Curriculum
Curriculum is the central scaffold on which teachers build the plans for learning in each classroom. Curriculum gives consistency and structure to the educational process and it encourages creative and innovative teaching within its framework. As our body of academic knowledge changes, and as our knowledge of the learning behavior of children changes, so must curriculum change. The Belmont Public Schools provides for that ongoing review and possible change through its Seven-Year-Plan for Curriculum Development and Improvement. Parents and staff work together on curriculum steering committees, during the seven-year-cycle which includes a needs assessment, program evaluation, and development of a plan of action and any necessary piloting of materials or training of staff. This process assures that curriculum continues to be well matched to children and the society in which they will function.
For the most up-to-date information on K-4 curriculum in the Belmont schools, please visit BPS Benchmarks web page.
The Belmont elementary school curriculum is based on the Massachusetts State Frameworks and the Belmont Benchmarks. All students receive instruction in:
English Language Arts and Reading
Social Studies
Physical Education
The integration of learning across disciplines is a central feature of the elementary program. Overviews of the individual discipline curricula, the Massachusetts State Frameworks, and the Belmont Benchmarks are available from the Wellington school office and the Belmont Department of Education website.
Standardized Testing and Assessments
The Belmont Public School participates in the state mandated testing program. ACCESS testing is administered for ELL students in grades K-12. The Massachusetts Comprehension Assessment System (MCAS) is administered in grades 3 through 10.
Standardized test results are reviewed in concert with other measures of pupil performance to describe a student’s strengths. They are never used as a sole source of student information. Classroom teachers are encouraged to use performance observations, writing folders and projects as part of the assessment of student learning.
For the most up-to-date information regarding MCAS for Belmont’s elementary schools, please visit BPS MCAS Testing web page.
Special Support Programs
In addition to the classroom teachers and the art, music, and gym teachers, Wellington has a number of specialists providing student support. These include a guidance counselor, psychologist, English-as-a-Second-Language tutor, special education teachers, and language arts teachers.
The principal coordinates the formation of Teacher Assistance Teams (TATs) to insure that we meet the needs of all of our students. TATs consist of teachers and specialists who meet on a regular basis to discuss possible needs for support and strategies for meeting these needs. Prior to an assessment for special support services, a student is generally the focus of a TAT discussion to explore need and strategies for assistance which may be provided by the classroom teacher or other support teachers – either in or out of the classroom.
METCO: Belmont - Boston Pupil Program
All schools in Belmont participate in the METCO Program (Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity), an urban-suburban exchange program. In this program, students are bused from Boston to Belmont each day. The program is funded by the State through the Bureau of Equal Opportunity and administered by the Belmont School Committee in cooperation with METCO, Inc.
This program helps reduce the racial isolation that children in Belmont would experience otherwise, and it provides a positive educational opportunity for participating Boston children. Placement of new students from METCO are based on enrollment space available.
504 Plans
The Belmont Public School District will ensure that no student with a disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Amended Act (ADAA) within the District’s jurisdiction will be denied, because of his/her disability, participation in curricular, intramural, or interscholastic activities or any of the services offered or rendered regularly to the students of this District.
No otherwise qualified person shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored by the Belmont Public School District. The District is committed to ensure that students with Section 504 disabilities be identified, evaluated, and provided with a free appropriate public education. The District does not discriminate on the basis of disability with regard to admission, access to education services, treatment or employment in its programs and activities.
Homework System-wide Guidlines
At Wellington Elementary School we believe that homework is important. Developing a regular routine of doing homework is important to prepare students for success as they move to middle school.
Beyond grade-level guidelines for homework, students at all grade levels at Wellington Elementary School should spend time at home on independent reading and/or reading with a parent/guardian.
Field Trips
Students have the opportunity to extend classroom learning on field trips. These trips are planned by staff and approved by principals. Parents/guardians are always aware of such trips and children must bring in a signed permission slip prior to the day of the excursion. All rules of appropriate school behavior remain in effect on field trips.
The Wellington PTO supports arts and enrichment in the form of field trips and class visitors.
No one will be denied the opportunity to participate in field trips due to an inability to pay or for a special need, including medical consideration. Scholarships for children are available to families who present financial hardship when additional funds need to be collected. For financial assistance for a field trip, please contact your child’s teacher or the main office. If your child has a special need or medical consideration that needs to be addressed during the time of a scheduled field trip, please reach out to the classroom teacher and/or school nurse in advance of the trip to help develop a field trip plan for your child.
Technology services are provided to every aspect of the Belmont Public Schools. Our technology department’s services enable the district to function efficiently and collaboratively.
Please leave electronic devices at home.
For information on the Student Network Acceptable Use Policy (Grades K-12) please go to Student AUP: Student Network Acceptable Use Policy