Today, our BMS 8th graders started the day with an engaging assembly led by BHS administrators before heading to the Field House for the Course Selection Fair. They heard from teachers, department directors, and current BHS students about the exciting course options available next year. From electives to core subjects, they gained valuable insights to help guide their high school journey!

Mark your calendar and cheer on this team!
Belmont High School students proudly represent our school as they compete in GBH’s High School Quiz Show. The episode premieres on March 8 at 6 pm on GBH and the High School Quiz Show YouTube channel. Check out the story in The Belmont Voice! https://bit.ly/4352u7r (photo credits: The Belmont Voice/WGBH)

What makes the Friday before winter break even better? The amazing sounds of the BHS Jazz Ensemble! Students and teachers enjoyed lunch while tapping along to the talents of our student musicians, joined by BPS Visual and Performing Arts Director, Mr. Asadoorian. Catch a listen here or visit Belmont Public Schools Facebook account! https://youtu.be/rOK2XHJLZTY

International Valentine's Day Potluck Celebration! Please bring a food to share!
Together, we will learn about celebrations of love and friendship around the world, eat delicious food together, read a story of friendship and community, and make cards for others.
Join us Saturday, February 8th from 1-3pm at the Wellington School Cafeteria.

New Year, New Goals! 🎉 It's the perfect time to download the BPS app to connect with our school community. Stay updated on important news, lunch menus, events, and more!
Download the BPS app today! And follow us on Facebook and X!

Come to Belmont Basketball Night - Friday, January 10th at the BMHS Field House. Free Event for all! Participate in fun activities and watch the varsity girls and boys basketball teams compete against Woburn. 🏀Celtics ticket raffle, autographed basketball raffle, and more!

BPS PTSO is hosting a free showing of Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Belmont High School auditorium. Screenagers (updated in 2024) is an award-winning documentary that looks at the impact of screen technology on kids. It features personal stories from families, depicting the messy struggles that parents, tweens, and teens are having over social media, video games, academics and screen addiction. This is a community event and open to all Belmont parents and caregivers. Adults are encouraged to bring their middle school and high school-aged students. The film runs 60 minutes and will be followed by a discussion with the audience. Doors will open at 6:45 p.m.

The BHS Madrigals spread holiday cheer today, caroling at schools and offices throughout the District. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and relaxing winter break! See you January 2, 2025! https://youtu.be/hzGrHPK1cVU

BMS Teacher & Staff Wish Lists
The Belmont Middle School PTO helps our teachers to set up wish lists that include items and supplies that will make a difference in their classrooms. https://www.belmont.k12.ma.us/o/bms/page/wish-lists

EV Chargers Now Available at the BHSMS Campus!
Belmont Light has installed 8 FLO EV chargers in the Belmont High School and Middle School parking lot. Please refer to the flyer for details on school and public charging hours and rates.

Parent-Teacher Conference Registration is still open and space is available! Instructions here: https://belmontpsma.edurooms.com/engage/belmont-middle-school/newsletters/parent-teacher-conferences-registration

We're excited to meet with you at parent-teacher conferences! As a reminder, families should only register for 1 team conference time slot. These are scheduled in 10 minute increments but last for 20 minutes in total.

Information on registering for Parent-Teacher Conferences: https://belmontpsma.edurooms.com/engage/belmont-middle-school/newsletters/parent-teacher-conferences-registration

Check out the latest BMS Community Newsletter from 10/11/2024! https://belmontpsma.edurooms.com/engage/belmont-middle-school/newsletters/community-newsletter-10-11-2024

Check out the latest BMS Community Newsletter from 10/11/2024! https://belmontpsma.edurooms.com/engage/belmont-middle-school/newsletters/community-newsletter-10-11-2024

BMS has now completed our practice evacuation drill. The emergency response team will debrief the performance and identify areas for improvement. Details of the drill and next steps will be shared with the community in this Friday's newsletter.

Exciting News! Belmont Public Schools is providing free digital safety tools with the Qustodio Parent App. To claim your account, visit www.qustodio.com/my-school and register using the email address you have on file in PlusPortals to connect to your child's device. For more information about Qustodio and other resources to ensure a safe and positive digital experience for our students, please visit Belmont Public Schools' Online Safety Hub: https://belmont.onlinesafetyhub.io/

From Superintendent Dr. Jill Geiser:
We have investigated a possible bomb threat that was posted to Snapchat and brought to our attention by students Thursday am, 10/3. Based on the investigation by administration and the local police, in consultation with the state police, it is our conclusion that this was not posted by a BHS or BMS student. The Mass State police have indicated that the threat fits the profile of generic threats that they have been receiving across Massachusetts. There is no threat, and staff and students are safe to be in school.
As a precautionary measure, the Belmont police will be walking the building with the custodial staff, and will maintain a presence throughout the day.

To Belmont Public Schools Families from Superintendent Jill Geiser
This morning, Monday, 09/23/2024 the BPS leadership became aware of a bomb threat to at Belmont Middle-High School. It is with great relief to report everyone is safe. Administration immediately notified both the Belmont Police Department and Superintendent's Office per BPS protocols. In an abundance of caution the entire BMHS building was evacuated and an early dismissal for both Belmont High School and Belmont Middle School occurred. No other schools were impacted. Sincere appreciation to the Belmont Police and Fire Departments for their support in keeping all students and staff safe. Evening activities will resume and school will be in regular session tomorrow with additional police presence.

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