Wellington students came together for an exciting school assembly about Curiosity—one of our three core values, alongside Caring and Equity! Students watched a video featuring familiar school faces sharing mistakes they made and lessons they learned. Each grade took the spotlight with a song (check it out in the link!), reinforcing the message that mistakes are part of learning—so keep trying and always stay curious! https://youtu.be/TRta8PVnK1k
30 days ago, Belmont Public Schools
Wellington School Assembly
International Valentine's Day Potluck Celebration! Please bring a food to share! Together, we will learn about celebrations of love and friendship around the world, eat delicious food together, read a story of friendship and community, and make cards for others. Join us Saturday, February 8th from 1-3pm at the Wellington School Cafeteria.
about 1 month ago, Belmont Public Schools
International Valentine's Day Potluck Celebration
New Year, New Goals! 🎉 It's the perfect time to download the BPS app to connect with our school community. Stay updated on important news, lunch menus, events, and more! Download the BPS app today! And follow us on Facebook and X!
about 2 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
BPS App logo
Come to Belmont Basketball Night - Friday, January 10th at the BMHS Field House. Free Event for all! Participate in fun activities and watch the varsity girls and boys basketball teams compete against Woburn. 🏀Celtics ticket raffle, autographed basketball raffle, and more!
2 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
Belmont Basketball Night - Jan 10th
Welcome to Wellington ASE! Sneak Peek of Classes available on Jan 2 | Registration opens Jan 8 @7am. The After School Extracurricular (ASE) and Build Our Kids’ Success (BOKS) programs at the Wellington School are fundraising programs coordinated entirely by volunteers for the Wellington PTO. BOKS gives kids a body and brain boost to set them up for a day of learning. ASE clubs rely on parent volunteers, teachers, and staff, and a few outside vendors to lead fun, dynamic, age-appropriate, after-school activities. https://wellington.schooltwist.org/
2 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
wellington pto
The BHS Madrigals spread holiday cheer today, caroling at schools and offices throughout the District. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and relaxing winter break! See you January 2, 2025! https://youtu.be/hzGrHPK1cVU
3 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
The Madrigals
Wellington’s 2nd and 3rd grade students came together last week for an assembly focused on one of the school’s core values—caring. These assemblies celebrate the values that define the school community. Students sang the Wellington school song and Bruno Mars’ "Count on Me," highlighting the importance of supporting one another and building a caring community. https://youtube.com/shorts/OqygoPAfyac?feature=share
4 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
Last week, the Acton Discovery Museum visited our 1st graders to explore the wonders of weather! The students learned about temperature, wind, precipitation, clouds, and evaporation, growing into wonderful young scientists along the way. Thank you to the Wellington PTO for funding this exciting in-school enrichment opportunity!
4 months ago, Belmont Public Schools
1st graders participating in science experiment
1st graders watching science experiment
5 months ago, Wellington PTO
6 months ago, Wellington PTO
6 months ago, Wellington PTO
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Belmont Public Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android https://aptg.co/gm47ff Download for iPhone https://aptg.co/Lf-7Yk
9 months ago, Belmont Public Schools