English Language Arts and Reading Curriculum
Program Description
Belmont Public Schools is dedicated to providing all students with a rich, rigorous, well-rounded English language arts program which empowers students with the language and thought processes to learn and to communicate. A key to success for all students is the development of efficient and effective reading and writing skills and strategies. Developing these skills requires ongoing staff development and parent education in the area of literacy instruction in order to use current research and best practices across the system. Together, teachers and parents can help students develop the positive attitudes and academic skills that will enrich their lives and enable them to become lifelong learners.
BPS K-3 Literacy Curriculum Review Updates - Stay up-to-date on the recommended shifts in our K-3 Literacy programming by reviewing our literacy presentations.
Elementary, Grades K-3:
The elementary school language arts program includes instruction in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking. Instruction in these key areas is integrated with all other areas of the curriculum. The program’s goal is for all students to develop to their fullest potential the language arts skills so central to success in school and fulfillment in life. An effective reading and writing program depends upon specific teaching in the following areas:
(a) developing an awareness of the processes of reading and writing;
(b) increasing knowledge of the print-sound code and standard writing conventions;
(c) understanding the purposes and genres used in text;
(d) developing habits of lifelong readers and writers.
Teachers guide students as they master new strategies in different contexts and gradually release responsibility to students as they practice these strategies independently. Instruction takes place throughout the day in a variety of grouping patterns (whole group, small group, individual) and in a variety of situations:
a read aloud,
shared reading,
interactive writing,
guided reading and writing,
independent reading and writing, and
reading and writing across the content areas
Upper Elementary, Grades 4-6:
Secondary, Grades 7-12
Middle School, Grades 7-8