Proposer | Approver | Language Change | Rationale | Status |
Belmont Education Association (BEA) | Belmont School Committee (BSC) | [Extend agreement by three years] | Extends the contract through 2028 | Tentative Agreement (TA)! |
BEA | BSC | [Rename “teachers” to “bargaining unit members” throughout.] | Uses more inclusive language | TA! |
BEA | BSC | [Gender neutral references throughout.] | Uses more inclusive language | TA! |
BEA | BSC | [Clean up agreement during main table negotiations to move items to more appropriate locations in the contract.] | Better organizes the contract | TA! |
BEA | BSC | [Reorder and rename articles in order to align the sequence of all four BEA contracts.] | Better organizes the contract | TA! |
BEA | BSC | "The Sick Leave Bank referred to above is a consolidated bank consisting of contributions from both Unit A, and Unit B, Unit C, and Unit D members and is designed for the benefit of both Unit A, and Unit B, Unit C, and Unit D members." | Creates more efficiency | TA! |
BEA | BSC | "At the High School, four (4) release days will be provided. The first of these release days shall coincide with the first day of school, with the exception of grade 9. Reference: meeting schedule Calendar addendum see MOA Section 4 June 2011." | Aligns contract with current practice | TA! |
BSC | BEA | "Expenses for three in-district courses highly recommended by the district, EMI IDEAS (or equivalent), Understanding Teaching Studying Skillful Teaching I (or equivalent), and Understanding Teaching II (or equivalent), will be covered by the School Department. These expenses include the cost of the program, books, and graduate credit costs for all participants. Admission to such courses will be on a space available basis. Every effort will be made to schedule course availability in a manner that will meet the demand. Should the district elect to change the courses that are highly recommended from those mentioned above, they will continue to cover said costs." | Corrects outdated language | TA! |
BSC | BEA | "(a) On the basis of a seven-period day, High School teachers working in the major academic areas will be assigned no more than thirty (30) periods per week, of which not more than twenty-five (25) shall be teaching periods. In cases of unfilled vacancies where educators may volunteer to teach additional sections of a course in lieu of a personal preparation period or a lunch such that they would exceed the above limits, a salary adjustment equaling 20% of their salary for each additional 0.2 FTE will be applied. Such additional assignments may be for one school year in duration only, during which the Building Principal will endeavor to hire a permanent replacement. While educators may volunteer, the Superintendent or designee has the final decision on whether to accept the educator. No educator may be required to accept such an assignment. The unfilled vacancy shall remain posted until filled by a permanent educator. Prior to assigning an educator to teach an additional section the parties shall meet to review building staffing at a building-based JLMC. An educator who is assigned to an additional section shall be paid retroactively from the period when they begin preparation for the course." | Provides educators the option to voluntarily increase course load | TA! |
BSC | BEA | "Recognizing that the number of meetings vary from year to year based on the calendar, number of meeting days in a given year, meetings will include: Meeting Type | Elementary | Middle | High | Building Meetings | 15 | 13 | 14 | Department Meetings | 0 | 7 | 9 | Curriculum Meeting | 7 | 3 | 3 | Common Planning Time (Educators) | 4 | 4 | 4 | Teacher generated agenda | 3 | 3 | 3 | Early Release for Parent Conferences | 6 7
| 6 | 2 | Half Day for PD | 2 | 2 | 3 |
| Adds parent-teacher conference day at the elementary level | TA! |
BSC | BEA | "The parties shall form a working group to study and create a new approach to meeting schedules including, but not limited to: Teacher-generated Agenda meetings, Faculty & Staff/Building Meetings, Grade-level Meetings, Curriculum Meetings, Common Planning Time (Educator) Meetings, Department Meetings, PLT/Professional Development meetings, Early release days, and Parent/Guardian-Teacher days (if applicable; see separately proposed ‘Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences Group’). The group shall have equal parts representation from the BEA and School Administration: At least 1 BEA member from the elementary level, 1 BEA member from Chenery, 1 BEA member from BMS, 1 BEA member from BHS, 1 Administrator (or designee) from the elementary level, 1 Administrator (or designee) from Chenery, 1 Administrator from BMS, and 1 Administrator (or designee) from BHS. This group’s charge will be to recommend a model for meetings. The new model must be approved by the Superintendent and the Belmont Education Association before being implemented as a pilot for the 2025-2026 school year. This proposed group shall reassemble by January, 2026 to review the pilot and make any additional recommendations. The final model must be approved by the Superintendent and the Belmont Education Association no later than May 30, 2026 for implementation in subsequent years. No extra-compensatory payment will be made to group members for this work." | Forms a joint committee to develop a new approach to meeting schedules | TA! |
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